miércoles, 17 de agosto de 2022


 1. Write a review in which you indicate the main points or concerns about the subject introduction. Include as well a full report on the topics that were addressed on the videoconference with the special guest.

The subject is called Cultural Diversity Management. We are going to review many subjects that we saw in the past semester, “postcolonialism”.  We read the program, and we noticed that this time we are looking for information that has to do with the direct consequences of colonialism; such as multiculturalism, cultural diversity and reconciliation.

This means that from a critic point of view, we will be able to analyze information about the sociocultural context of many Anglo-Saxon countries. The social movements that have developed throughout the years and had caused a change in the way that society thinks.

To understand a little more, it is important to study three concepts that are the main ideas of this topic. 

Multiculturalism: the way in which a society deals with cultural diversity, both at the national and at the community level. It assumes that society as a whole benefits from increased diversity through the harmonious coexistence of different cultures.

With this concept, it will be easier to understand the reality of many countries that have managed to preserve their culture in a place where we can find many of them coexisting. 

Cultural diversity: the cultural variety and cultural differences that exist in the world, a society, or an institution. 

The acknowledgement of a cultural diversity to respect the differences that may present and be able to live in an environment full of mutual appreciation.

Reconciliation: the act of causing two people or groups to become friendly again after an argument or disagreement. 

Many countries have a shaky past due to colonialism, war or other conflicts, but we have to reach a reconciliation in order to move forward towards a society that seeks the development and preservation of each other. This subject is going to introduce many of the examples that already exist between countries that are not in the best terms but have managed to support each other in this process. 

We made a video conference with Juan Moreno who is part of a very interesting program. His program seeks for the preservation of indigenous cultures who have been left aside by many government programs in previous years, but now there are six programs which are bringing fabulous results.  It was about the cultural diversity that exists in our country and how it has to be promoted. From the beginning I realized that this topic was very significant and related to the subject. 

Even though this subject is focused on other cultures, we have to be aware that our own country struggles with the recognition of many of them that are disappearing little by little. It is also a fact that when we lose another language, we lose part of our history. Just in Oaxaca, there are 16 indigenous languages and his program is covering many aspects that these communities struggle with, such as: the essence and history of the communities which by a program called “Living languages” are trying to tell stories in their own language and with this tell us a little about their history and the things they believe in. 

Another program which I consider to be very important and relevant is the “talent seeds”, this program helps to overcome the school dropout problem due to the lack of opportunities that these communities have.  

Last but not least, there is a program that they had to add during the pandemic that helps single mothers to be able to take care of themselves and their children. Most of the time in our country, women have to fight harder to get a job due to discrimination, specially if they have children. 

Another topic that we approached in this conference was discrimination, in spite of being in a society that is more inclusive as time goes by, we haven't made a difference for indigenous communities. They still deal with rejection because of their language and their clothing, leaving them with close to none opportunities to develop and be part of the society in general. 

All in all, we ended the call with a very influential topic which is how can we preserve a culture while we are facing constant changes that lead us towards a globalize culture. It is a challenge that this type of programs have to deal with, but it doesn't stop them to try to save as many of a culture as they can. It is unfair that history is being lost due to ignorance towards indigenous groups because they hold a precious part of our history in general.


Longley, Robert. (2021, December 6). What Is Multiculturalism? Definition, Theories, and Examples. Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.com/what-is-multiculturalism-4689285

Cultural diversity. (n.d.). Www.dictionary.com. Retrieved August 17, 2022, from https://www.dictionary.com/browse/cultural-diversity

Reconciliation definition & meaning | Britannica dictionary. (n.d.). In Encyclopedia Britannica.

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